We are seeking a select group of strategic partners and corporate sponsors. Interested?


About (213) Marketing

A Full Service Marketing Agency

We collaborate with strategic partners and business owners who are interested in penetrating or expanding their reach in the Downtown Los Angeles market, either through social events and/or target marketing programs. Our experience, strong relationships and extensive resources within the DTLA community make us the premiere all-in-one event and marketing solution.


We are



We have a clear advantage when it comes to music related events and services. Our team has over 20 years experience in the music and entertainment industry.


There’s nothing more valuable than having a reliable and qualified marketing resource that understands the Downtown LA landscape, culture and demographic.


We don’t just develop and throw cool events, we have an extensive network of tastemakers, corporate professionals, service providers and vendors.

These are a few client and project case studies. Click to view more of our portfolio.

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    Step 1: Concept

    In order to take an idea from concept to completion, strategic planning and focused execution is essential.

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    Step 2: Planning

    A goal without a plan is just a dream. A detailed step-by-step plan is required to achieve the desired goals.

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    Step 3: Activation

    The activation plays a key role in the process. Without proper execution, everything you planned could fail.

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    Step 4: Analytics

    Customer feedback and marketing analytics help identify what to change and where to focus more attention.

We are the premiere all-in-one event and marketing solution. Find out why?

Click to download the PDF overview of our agency, which outlines our capabilities, solutions and advantages.

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